Vibrant splash and BobaLicious bubble drink graphics in an orange themed 'BobaLicious' banner.
Colorful and dynamic BobaLicious bubble tea logo with vibrant blue and green hues.

Colorful BobaLicious bubble tea cups, highlighting tropical flavors like Mango, Peach, and Passion Fruit.


Bobalicious Bubble Tea is a beverage that can be classified as a refreshing one that adds a twist to the drinking experience. Created to give a feeling of entertainment and recharge drinks, with a fun design on each cup and the taste to make everyone happy for every sip of 250 ml. An excellent beverage for consumers who want to try something exciting in bubble tea, it can be enjoyed anytime during the day, even during parties or at home. This drink is specially prepared to give you an enjoyable taste that you will want to savor in your mouth. Seize the opportunity to take Bobalicious Bubble Tea with a non-traditional approach and improve your beverage selection with a product offering that is entirely different from others. Savor a custom-built cup of delight that will put a smile on your face every time.